I recently released a free app Everything F1 which I included iAds as a way to pay for the development costs. I noticed a couple of things during the develop of the app.
Here’s a little bit of background for anyone new to this, iAd’s is provided by Apple and as part of there review process that all apps go through they have some rules. Pictures can’t show test ads and your app should not show a blank ad it should disappear if the ads aren’t displayed. To help you with this they put a couple of methods in the delegate the main one is
-(void)bannerView:(ADBannerView *)banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error
This method is called when ever an ad is not present show you know to hide the banner. What I discovered was that sometimes this method gets called even when an ad is present, so on my app i added an if statement to say if the error was null ignore the method. This seems to...